
Monday, 12 October 2015

Pets R Us

We have some new family members!!!

Yes... Apart from Luigi and Chester we now have three new Scowcroft members...

There is Nutmeg the Hamster...
He is a Syrian Hamster and has so much character it is unbelievable...
Here he is plotting and planning to take over the world....

Then there are the two Guinea Pigs...




Facebook for my site..

Facebook for websites....

I know I have a website and this Blogspot site but I say you can never put yourself out there too much whereby your photographs are concerned.

You take time and effort to compose and produce your photo's so why would you just want yourself to see them?!

In my effort to show my pictures I decided to create a Facebook 'Business' page.

So far so good, the pages have been published and the feedback so far is good...Plus its Free...Well that's if you don't want to add extra 'Promotion' power to your page...I will see how the freebie site goes first....